Oct 29, 2015 Psycho-spiritual Musings
I remember years ago, being in a room with a spiritual teacher. A friend and I had organized a workshop with him. He was a very wise man. Towards the end of our evening, a guy put up his hand to ask a question. “Terry, I wake up every morning, and I don’t really want...
Oct 22, 2015 Business and Marketing
There’s a very old story. A shepherd boy is bored tending his sheep, and so to amuse himself, he shouts ‘Wolf, Wolf!” And the villagers come running to save him, and discover it was a ruse. And he laughs. And then he does it again, and they still fall for it,...
Oct 15, 2015 Art and Creativity
When people ask me what I do, I say “I’m a writer.” Though that declaration is relatively recent, my history of writing is not. I wrote my first poem at age 7. I posted it on facebook recently – it got more likes than my contemporary writing. I wrote songs for many...
Oct 5, 2015 Psycho-spiritual Musings
Brene Brown said it best. “You can’t get to courage without walking through vulnerability.” If you go up to somebody who is in the midst of taking courageous action, and you ask “how do you feel?” they probably won’t say “I feel courageous”. They’ll probably say: “I...
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